Auricularia auricula
Auricularia auricula

auricularia auricula

The product is provided 'AS IS' and the viability of ATCC ® products is warranted for 30 days from the date of shipment, provided that the customer has stored and handled the product according to the information included on the product information sheet, website, and Certificate of Analysis. It is not intended for any animal or human therapeutic use, any human or animal consumption, or any diagnostic use. This product is intended for laboratory research use only. The time necessary for significant growth will vary from strain to strain. Inspect for growth of the inoculum/strain regularly for up to 4 weeks.Incubate the inoculum/strain at the temperature and conditions recommended.Immediately after thawing, wipe down ampoule with 70% ethanol and aseptically transfer at least 50 µL (or 2-3 agar cubes) of the content onto a plate or broth with medium recommended.Immerse the ampoule just sufficient to cover the frozen material. To thaw a frozen ampoule, place in a 25☌ to 30☌ water bath, until just thawed (approximately 5 minutes).Storage of frozen material at this temperature will result in the death of the culture. Do not under any circumstance store frozen ampoules at refrigerator freezer temperatures (generally -20☌). If liquid nitrogen storage facilities are not available, frozen ampoules may be stored at or below -70☌ for approximately one week.

auricularia auricula

24☌ Handling procedure Frozen ampoules packed in dry ice should either be thawed immediately or stored in liquid nitrogen.

Auricularia auricula